Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year! Great January Stay At Home Day

Sometimes it is fun to stay at home and just do practically nothing. Lay in a chair and watch a parade and then a football game. Practically nothing! I am ready to begin the year. I am prepared for the year and I have lots of plans.

Number one is to add the flowers to my etsy shop. I have more silk flowers than the law allows, I am certain. I need others to share my wealth. They will be photographed and added to my shop within the week.

Number two is to get all my jewelry photographed and/or posted on my shop.

Number three is to get my adornablesbylyn blog least weekly. I really think daily for some things. Maybe I will do the weekly posts and then announce and run daily posts as needed.

Number four is to figure out what I am going to order for the 2010 craft show season. Of course the merchandise must be listed in my etsy shop as well so it will need to be photographed.

Number five is to organize my studio. The sections are falling together. I need to have shelves right now so I'll have an area where I can store my beads. Another area for photography and one for shipping.

Number six is a few photography outings in the snow with my husband. I plan to sell notecards based on our expeditions.

Gosh, I suppose, I should get busy! Happy New Year!!!