Monday, December 6, 2010

Something Stuck! Bracelets Manufacturing begins in February! Or I am my own worst enemy!


So over the weekend, I managed to list four pinwheels on Etsy. They're probably gleaming over there to the right of this article.

I can make pinwheels. I should be making pinwheels. But then, my attention deficit disorder kicked in and I shifted gears. Imagine! Not again! Oh, NO! I am my own worst enemy.

As is always the case, my committment to one project waned and there I was with a new project on my hands. ...And now it's on my wrist! It's not even done, but it's so beautiful I am in total awe.

For the rest of the week I'll be trying to get re-focussed on pinwheels. If I am going to be CEO of a huge pinwheel conglomerate, I've got to focus!