Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Pinwheels Complete! Now Making Plans for Craft Shows on the Horizon

I counted all my pinwheels last night. I have completed and have for sale, 104 pinwheel necklaces for children. One hundred was my goal. I don't intend to make any more pinwheels until next Winter. Therefore, it is time to clean and store my polymer clay stuff. I hope this will be a happy time for me and that I don't cry when I start missing the stuff.

My first craft show of the season is April 28th. I am looking forward to seeing if I can't just convince all customers to purchase something that they like on my table. You know, there is a lot to getting this portable table top store in motion!

I pulled out my table covers and I think I can make a nice table skirt to cover all the stuff under the table. I have a piece of drapery lining in the "not quite off-white but not pure white either" color to use for the skirt. I plan to use my dark, dark green for the top of the table. If all goes well, this should be complete by this week-end.

I read an article about bringing my display up from the craft table, to eye-level. I am starting to get the picture! I am going to make a fourty-two inch display out of wood to sit on top of my table. That might get to happen this week-end too!

I should have already had this organizational stuff done. I should have a box with my office supplies. Office supplies include business cards, price tags and table tents. My carefully stored jewelry needs to be unpacked and readied. Pre-priced jewelry is ready for a display rack. Once the display racks are full they are added to a staging table that I have set up in my home.

Gee, it looks like the next couple of weeks are planned just for me! I'll be gathering ideas and rearranging displays, adding to the displays, taking items off the displays, and tweaking the display. Like I said in the beginning, there is a lot to getting this portable table top store in motion! Stay tuned as we get closer to opening day!

I hope the twenty-ten craft show season is very enjoyable and profitable.